Friday, April 17, 2020
On 4:39 PM by psykoticKitten No comments
Note: This post contains affiliate links for Amazon. You are NOT required to purchase anything but if you do, I will receive a commission.
I have been thinking about which book I should read next. A little too long... I have finally decided to go with another Alice Hoffman book that has been sitting on the shelf for an exceptionally long time just waiting for me to pay it some attention. At 167 pages, the book is The Foretelling. Since it is a fairly short book, I have decided to also read a non-fiction book to help me in my own personal growth journey. That book is titled Successful Women Think Differently by Valorie Burton. Admittedly, I am a serial non-completer when it comes to non-fiction books. I peruse through non-ficts just enough to get the info I am interested in - but never use them to their fullest potential. I hope to break that cycle with SWTD. It too is a somewhat short book with only 199 pages which I'm hoping will help me get through to the end.
Now that I have decided on the books, I only need to decide the order. Should I read one before the other or read them at the same time? Either way, I hope to be done with both books by mid-May at which point I will meet you back here to discuss.
Extra Extra!
Have you heard the news? I have started a new blog! If you feel adventurous enough, click here to see what it's all about!
Happy Reading!
I have been thinking about which book I should read next. A little too long... I have finally decided to go with another Alice Hoffman book that has been sitting on the shelf for an exceptionally long time just waiting for me to pay it some attention. At 167 pages, the book is The Foretelling. Since it is a fairly short book, I have decided to also read a non-fiction book to help me in my own personal growth journey. That book is titled Successful Women Think Differently by Valorie Burton. Admittedly, I am a serial non-completer when it comes to non-fiction books. I peruse through non-ficts just enough to get the info I am interested in - but never use them to their fullest potential. I hope to break that cycle with SWTD. It too is a somewhat short book with only 199 pages which I'm hoping will help me get through to the end.
Now that I have decided on the books, I only need to decide the order. Should I read one before the other or read them at the same time? Either way, I hope to be done with both books by mid-May at which point I will meet you back here to discuss.
Extra Extra!
Have you heard the news? I have started a new blog! If you feel adventurous enough, click here to see what it's all about!
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
On 9:01 PM by psykoticKitten No comments
DISCLAIMER: My posts are intended to be Opinion/Discussion posts mixed in with a bit of a review about books that I have read. I include a semi-detailed synopsis of the book followed by my own opinions that may include spoilers about the book. Read at your own discretion. Also, this post contains affiliate links. That means that if you purchase something from one of the affiliate links, I will receive a commission. Basically, I will get a cut of what you purchase. You are in no way obligated to purchase anything. Please feel free to simply enjoy the blog!
Greetings fellow Book Nerds! I feel like a freakin' parrot saying this but... it has been way too long! I have missed my little home here at EP Book Nerd so much. I could list a million (exaggeration) reasons why I've been gone so long but none of that matters now. What DOES matter is that I'm back and I hope to not have such a long hiatus next time.
I have quite the list of books that I have read and posts I've started but never finished. I hope to rectify that in the following months.
Without further ado, let us commence!
Title: Green Witch
Author: Alice Hoffman
Our story starts with Green. A teen torn apart by loss, repaired by love and strengthened by hope that takes a journey to find. She references a great disaster. A fire set by a group called the Horde who wants things to be less progressive. A time when there weren't machines. A time when women were repressed and kept inside. They brought destruction to the city across the river from where our heroine lives. Green's family was in the city on that day. She lost them all. Green also speaks of a love lost. Diamond is his name. He found her, then he left her. Unaware of what has happened to him, she gives in to doubt and loses faith in love.
Green has a gift. A few gifts, really. She can grow things with a single touch and she can record the stories that belong to others. She handcrafts the paper perfectly; customized for each person whose story she is collecting. Being that the Horde burned all books (nuts right?), Green's ability and willingness to do this is truly amazing and people flock to her; eager to tell her their story.
Our heroine starts to hear whispers of witches who have different abilities or talents. With the collected whispers, a personal search, and a rescue mission, our Green sets out into the world.
*** MY OPINION ***
I was a little confused, at first, on the way this book was written. This is no fault of the author, of course. After getting used to the style and figuring out that this is actually "book 2," I was good to go. That being said, I enjoyed Green's story very much. It was refreshing to not have too much conflict or back and forth relationship misunderstandings and frustrations. Don't get me wrong. I definitely enjoy those as well, it was just a nice break from what I'm typically used to. Green went on a soul searching journey and I was fortunate enough to go with her.
I loved the descriptive art-like inner dialogue the author used in this book. The best example of what I mean is the following quote. "When the moon is out and the trees are filled with shining white doves, more beautiful than snow, ..." Isn't that just so beautiful? Yes. Yes, it is.
If I were to be nitpicky, I would have just a few questions about Green Witch. Questions that, admittedly, may already be answered in Green Angel. But, for the sake of conversation, I shall bring them up anyway.
Questions 1: Who are the Horde really? I mean we know they are a group of people who want to go back to the way things were. To a time when women had no voice. To a time without technology. They are people who feel God is on their side. Who imprisons anyone who questions them or doesn't agree with them. But what is their origin story? How far back do they want to go in terms of pre-tech? I mean, they see generators as a progressive threat and books are apparently evil enough to destroy.
Question 2: What language was Diamond's family speaking? I was waiting for a phrase inserted in said language so that I could try to figure it out... but it did not happen. This wasn't a huge issue for me... just a curiosity.
That's basically it. I truly enjoyed the calm ride down the Green Witch river. Enjoyed the journey from start to finish. My favorite part, of course, was the "happily ever after" feel at the end. I love those types of endings.
*** YOUR TURN ***
Now, my dear readers, it's your turn! Have your read Green Witch? What was your favorite or least favorite part? Did you go into Green Witch already having read Green Angel? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
As always, remember to be respectful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Next Post: Unknown
Just Finished: None
Currently Reading: None
Up Next: TBD... (suggestions welcome)
Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading!!
Greetings fellow Book Nerds! I feel like a freakin' parrot saying this but... it has been way too long! I have missed my little home here at EP Book Nerd so much. I could list a million (exaggeration) reasons why I've been gone so long but none of that matters now. What DOES matter is that I'm back and I hope to not have such a long hiatus next time.
I have quite the list of books that I have read and posts I've started but never finished. I hope to rectify that in the following months.
Without further ado, let us commence!
Title: Green Witch
Author: Alice Hoffman
Our story starts with Green. A teen torn apart by loss, repaired by love and strengthened by hope that takes a journey to find. She references a great disaster. A fire set by a group called the Horde who wants things to be less progressive. A time when there weren't machines. A time when women were repressed and kept inside. They brought destruction to the city across the river from where our heroine lives. Green's family was in the city on that day. She lost them all. Green also speaks of a love lost. Diamond is his name. He found her, then he left her. Unaware of what has happened to him, she gives in to doubt and loses faith in love.
Green has a gift. A few gifts, really. She can grow things with a single touch and she can record the stories that belong to others. She handcrafts the paper perfectly; customized for each person whose story she is collecting. Being that the Horde burned all books (nuts right?), Green's ability and willingness to do this is truly amazing and people flock to her; eager to tell her their story.
Our heroine starts to hear whispers of witches who have different abilities or talents. With the collected whispers, a personal search, and a rescue mission, our Green sets out into the world.
*** MY OPINION ***
I was a little confused, at first, on the way this book was written. This is no fault of the author, of course. After getting used to the style and figuring out that this is actually "book 2," I was good to go. That being said, I enjoyed Green's story very much. It was refreshing to not have too much conflict or back and forth relationship misunderstandings and frustrations. Don't get me wrong. I definitely enjoy those as well, it was just a nice break from what I'm typically used to. Green went on a soul searching journey and I was fortunate enough to go with her.
I loved the descriptive art-like inner dialogue the author used in this book. The best example of what I mean is the following quote. "When the moon is out and the trees are filled with shining white doves, more beautiful than snow, ..." Isn't that just so beautiful? Yes. Yes, it is.
If I were to be nitpicky, I would have just a few questions about Green Witch. Questions that, admittedly, may already be answered in Green Angel. But, for the sake of conversation, I shall bring them up anyway.
Questions 1: Who are the Horde really? I mean we know they are a group of people who want to go back to the way things were. To a time when women had no voice. To a time without technology. They are people who feel God is on their side. Who imprisons anyone who questions them or doesn't agree with them. But what is their origin story? How far back do they want to go in terms of pre-tech? I mean, they see generators as a progressive threat and books are apparently evil enough to destroy.
Question 2: What language was Diamond's family speaking? I was waiting for a phrase inserted in said language so that I could try to figure it out... but it did not happen. This wasn't a huge issue for me... just a curiosity.
That's basically it. I truly enjoyed the calm ride down the Green Witch river. Enjoyed the journey from start to finish. My favorite part, of course, was the "happily ever after" feel at the end. I love those types of endings.
*** YOUR TURN ***
Now, my dear readers, it's your turn! Have your read Green Witch? What was your favorite or least favorite part? Did you go into Green Witch already having read Green Angel? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
As always, remember to be respectful!
Next Post: Unknown
Just Finished: None
Currently Reading: None
Up Next: TBD... (suggestions welcome)
Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading!!
Friday, October 6, 2017
On 8:58 AM by psykoticKitten No comments
*NOTE* This post was written and intended to be posted two days ago. I have decided to leave the original wording. I understand that today is not the day I am stating it is. Thank you. *END NOTE*
Today is Wednesday and that means that the Friends of the Library bookstore is open today! Yay! So, of course, I had to go see what treasures I could find. I wasn't knocked completely off my feet with their inventory this time, but I was able to come out of there with some pretty good books. So without further ado, I give you my October Book Haul:
Death of a Scriptwriter: A Hamish Macbeth Mystery by M.C. Beaton
I chose this book because I have read another Hamish Macbeth mystery before titled Death of a Gentle Lady and I rather enjoyed it. It was a nice mystery with some interesting characters. The main character, Hamish Macbeth, is a policeman in a village in Scotland who has to navigate his way around the locals to get to the bottom of the various mysteries that pop up. Read the synopsis here.
Withering Heights: An Ellie Haskell Mystery by Dorothy Cannell
They say not to judge a book by its cover. But that is exactly what I did here.
*Side Note* I seem to be on a bit of a mystery kick. I have watched the entire Poirot series available on Netflix as well as Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I am currently on Midsomer Murders. Needless to say, it has now dribbled over to my reading preferences. *End Side Note*
The cover of this book is an illustration of a large house behind a wrought iron fence hidden by some shrubbery at an angle at which it seems as though one is peeping. That is what first caught my attention. Then I read the back cover and the deal was sealed. Read the synopsis here.
The Bag of Bones by Vivian French
This next one is considered a children's book but I don't discriminate. Plus I have a kid so it's totally okay. The Bag of Bones is actually the second book in the Five Kingdoms collection. I do that a lot. I buy used books then find out they are the second or third book in a series. No matter. I have a plethora of books just waiting to be read so I have time to buy or check out the first in the series. It seems like the perfect series for my daughter and me to snuggle up to in the month of Halloween. Yay! Read the synopsis here.
White as Snow by Tanith Lee
This is yet another book I purchased largely based off of the cover art and the feel (yes, the feel) of the book. That and well, fairy tales. I love reading different variations of fairy tales - or rather, cautionary tales as most were penned to teach lessons by scaring the heck out of children. Eh, I don't judge. I digress. This book caught my eye with the art and my heart with the promise of a story that is part Snow White and part Greek mythology wrapped up in a nice little 319-page book. Read the synopsis here.
The Dream Master by Roger Zelazny
This book is a bit of a wildcard. I found it sitting in the Scifi / Fantasy section (my preferred genre). The only thing that drew me to The Dream Master was the title. I picked it up for the title, bought it for the story (based on its synopsis). It's a short book written in the sixties with all of 179 pages. In short, it's a story of a dream manipulator who accepts the challenge of teaching his craft to a blind psychiatrist. It should prove to be a nice quick and thought-provoking read. Read the full synopsis here.
One of the exciting parts about buying books from a used bookstore is finding out what kind of deal you got based off of the comparison of what you paid vs. what the cover price is.
Listed from highest price to lowest price:
Today is Wednesday and that means that the Friends of the Library bookstore is open today! Yay! So, of course, I had to go see what treasures I could find. I wasn't knocked completely off my feet with their inventory this time, but I was able to come out of there with some pretty good books. So without further ado, I give you my October Book Haul:
Death of a Scriptwriter: A Hamish Macbeth Mystery by M.C. Beaton
I chose this book because I have read another Hamish Macbeth mystery before titled Death of a Gentle Lady and I rather enjoyed it. It was a nice mystery with some interesting characters. The main character, Hamish Macbeth, is a policeman in a village in Scotland who has to navigate his way around the locals to get to the bottom of the various mysteries that pop up. Read the synopsis here.
Withering Heights: An Ellie Haskell Mystery by Dorothy Cannell
They say not to judge a book by its cover. But that is exactly what I did here.
*Side Note* I seem to be on a bit of a mystery kick. I have watched the entire Poirot series available on Netflix as well as Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I am currently on Midsomer Murders. Needless to say, it has now dribbled over to my reading preferences. *End Side Note*
The cover of this book is an illustration of a large house behind a wrought iron fence hidden by some shrubbery at an angle at which it seems as though one is peeping. That is what first caught my attention. Then I read the back cover and the deal was sealed. Read the synopsis here.
The Bag of Bones by Vivian French
This next one is considered a children's book but I don't discriminate. Plus I have a kid so it's totally okay. The Bag of Bones is actually the second book in the Five Kingdoms collection. I do that a lot. I buy used books then find out they are the second or third book in a series. No matter. I have a plethora of books just waiting to be read so I have time to buy or check out the first in the series. It seems like the perfect series for my daughter and me to snuggle up to in the month of Halloween. Yay! Read the synopsis here.
White as Snow by Tanith Lee
This is yet another book I purchased largely based off of the cover art and the feel (yes, the feel) of the book. That and well, fairy tales. I love reading different variations of fairy tales - or rather, cautionary tales as most were penned to teach lessons by scaring the heck out of children. Eh, I don't judge. I digress. This book caught my eye with the art and my heart with the promise of a story that is part Snow White and part Greek mythology wrapped up in a nice little 319-page book. Read the synopsis here.
The Dream Master by Roger Zelazny
This book is a bit of a wildcard. I found it sitting in the Scifi / Fantasy section (my preferred genre). The only thing that drew me to The Dream Master was the title. I picked it up for the title, bought it for the story (based on its synopsis). It's a short book written in the sixties with all of 179 pages. In short, it's a story of a dream manipulator who accepts the challenge of teaching his craft to a blind psychiatrist. It should prove to be a nice quick and thought-provoking read. Read the full synopsis here.
One of the exciting parts about buying books from a used bookstore is finding out what kind of deal you got based off of the comparison of what you paid vs. what the cover price is.
Listed from highest price to lowest price:
Title | Cover Price | Used Price |
The Dream Master* | $27.95 | $2.00 |
The Bag of Bones | $14.99 | $2.00 |
White as Snow | $14.95 | $1.00 |
Death of a Scriptwriter | $6.99 | $1.00 |
Withering Heights | $6.99 | $1.00 |
TOTALS | $71.87 | $7.00 |
*The book I purchased was part of the Science Fiction Book Club ( 50th Anniversary Collection so there was no cover price found on the book itself. I used the price found on for the hardcover since my copy is a hardcover.
So, everybody, that concludes my October Book Haul. Hopefully, I will be able to do this once a month (preferably at the beginning of the month) so just keep your eyes open and make sure to visit often! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Reading!
So, everybody, that concludes my October Book Haul. Hopefully, I will be able to do this once a month (preferably at the beginning of the month) so just keep your eyes open and make sure to visit often! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Reading!
Friday, March 24, 2017
On 11:01 AM by psykoticKitten No comments
DISCLAIMER: My posts are intended to be Opinion/Discussion posts mixed in with a bit of a review about books that I have read. I include a semi-detailed synopsis of the book followed by my own opinions that may include spoilers about the book. Read at your own discretion.
Greetings fellow book nerds! I am back from a long (a whole year) break and boy have I missed this. I will be trying something new with this post. In looking back on my earlier posts, I have noticed that I have a tendency of giving away too much of what the book is about before I even start my 'Opinion' section. Starting with this post, I will be dialing down the info a great deal. If I like it, I'll keep it. If not then I will go back to the way things were. So consider this a test run. Thank you for your patience!
It is important to note that this book was read and the post was started about a year ago. The most current section is the "My Opinion" section which is based on my year old memories and notes taken of the story.
Title: Delia's Shadow
Author: Jaime Lee Moyer
She left her home in San Francisco, CA to get away from the spirits who haunted her. All those souls lost to the great earthquake. Now she leaves her haven of New York to return home and solve the mystery of Shadow - her silent ghost companion. Meet Delia Martin.
Delia's bestie is not buying her story of visiting for the Exposition and demands to know what is really going on. Ah, you can never fool a true friend. Delia fesses up about Shadow and, not surprising to Delia, her friend is completely open to having a tag-along ghost and offers up her assistance. Meet Sadie.
Sadie's doting fiance is on the trail of a serial killer who roams free in San Francisco. He is determined to keep Sadie and her friend protected from this unknown killer while shielding her from details of his work. Too bad his case is tangled with Delia's ghost. Meet Jack.
Jack's partner in work has no room for new romance - especially when a serial killer is on the loose who is determined to taunt him personally; just as was done to his father before him. Will he finish the hunt his father started? Meet Gabe.
Our story begins with Delia arriving in San Francisco and meeting up with Sadie. Sadie senses that Delia is back home for different reasons than what was previously discussed between them. Delia shares her troubles with Sadie and Sadie declares her support for her friend. This support includes the services of Jack, Gabe, and Isadora (Sadie's friend who is a seer and spirit guide). While it's great that Delia quickly establishes a system of friends, both old and new, who are willing to help even if all is not entirely understood, she faces a new problem; Shadow has become restless. The once patient ghost seems disturbed now that they are back in San Francisco.
As our story unfolds we discover that Shadow was a victim of a serial killer that was on the loose back when Gabe's father was on the force. The killer was never apprehended and is suspected of being one and the same as the serial killer who is currently on the loose. Shadow releases visions of her final living night to Delia and starts to drain her as she becomes desperate to bring her killer to justice. Isadora tries to educate Delia on how to control her spirits as not to lose herself.
During their adventures of spirit decoding and chasing down a killer, Delia and Gabe grow fond of each other. If only they can get past this mystery and survive a spirit's control and a killer's warped mind, maybe they can explore their undeniable attraction towards each other.
Who is Shadow and what is her end game? Is she seeking justice at any cost? Will Gabe and Jack find the serial killer terrorizing their beloved city? Will Gabe and Delia find love in each other?
*** MY OPINION ***
I am going to start by saying that I love a good mystery and I doubly love a good love story. As for this book... I absolutely loved it!! Do you love how many times I used the word love? Okay all joking aside, I really did enjoy this book. Delia's ability to share her gift so freely with her best friend was refreshing. So many times does the main character have trouble opening up to those close to him or her for fear of being thought of as crazy. Delia opened up to Sadie the way I would open up to one of my close friends. To me, that made her more relatable and less frustrating as a character. Another nod to relatability was the support shown to Delia by Sadie, Jack, Gabe, and Isadora. They were open and respectful to the gift she possessed; or rather that possessed her.
My least favorite part was [SPOILER ALERT] when Gabe's father was murdered. Gabe and Delia had just had a nice time with Gabe's parents a little bit before the murder. I mean it just crushed me. It just didn't need to happen. But, it was not a deal breaker - I still loved this book.
Delia sees ghosts. She never knows whether the person she is seeing is alive or a spirit. That can make for a confusing existence, I would think. I mean you're walking down the street and you see someone walking up the street facing you. There are other people around you as walking down a street is common practice. You were not raised to be a barbarian so you greet them, "Good morning." They look at you but do not answer. Then you see another person walk right through them giving you a strange look being that you are talking to and focused on a seemingly empty bit of space. Awkward.
Taking Sadie's perspective, I'm pretty sure I would believe and trust my bestie implicitly if she told me that she could see ghosts. I would probably react the same way Sadie did. I'm also quite certain that she would be just as open to the news if I were the one confiding in her.
Major props to the author for making this book historically accurate - she must have been up to her neck in research! The Pan-Pacific International Expo was a real thing. It took place in 1915 approximately from March to December. It was supposedly held to honor the completion of the Panama Canal though it was also seen as a way to show how San Fransisco bounced back from the earthquake (also mentioned in the book) of 1906. (Wikipedia 2017) This expo was massive! Check out the map I found at The Virtual Museum of the City of San Fransisco below!
I invite you to tell me what your thoughts are about Delia's Shadow. Did you like it? Hate it? Have you never read it but are interested in reading it now? What would you do if you could see ghosts like Delia? What would you do if one of your closest friends came to you and said, "Hey dude. I see ghosts. We cool?" Knowing that there is a killer on the loose, would you still go to the Pan-Pacific International Expo? Are there any points I left out that you would like to discuss? Leave a comment below!
Remember to be respectful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Next Post: Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty
Just Finished: Endless Knight by Kresley Cole
Currently Reading: The Rejected Writers' Book Club by Suzanne Kelman
Up Next: Tempest in a Teapot by Amanda Cooper
For those of you who are on Goodreads (and maybe some who aren't quite yet), I have started a group for EP Book Nerd. Click here to join the group! Please note that the group is for 18+ considering that some of the books do contain sexual content.
As usual, thank you for stopping by!
Happy Reading!
Greetings fellow book nerds! I am back from a long (a whole year) break and boy have I missed this. I will be trying something new with this post. In looking back on my earlier posts, I have noticed that I have a tendency of giving away too much of what the book is about before I even start my 'Opinion' section. Starting with this post, I will be dialing down the info a great deal. If I like it, I'll keep it. If not then I will go back to the way things were. So consider this a test run. Thank you for your patience!
It is important to note that this book was read and the post was started about a year ago. The most current section is the "My Opinion" section which is based on my year old memories and notes taken of the story.
Title: Delia's Shadow
Author: Jaime Lee Moyer
She left her home in San Francisco, CA to get away from the spirits who haunted her. All those souls lost to the great earthquake. Now she leaves her haven of New York to return home and solve the mystery of Shadow - her silent ghost companion. Meet Delia Martin.
Delia's bestie is not buying her story of visiting for the Exposition and demands to know what is really going on. Ah, you can never fool a true friend. Delia fesses up about Shadow and, not surprising to Delia, her friend is completely open to having a tag-along ghost and offers up her assistance. Meet Sadie.
Sadie's doting fiance is on the trail of a serial killer who roams free in San Francisco. He is determined to keep Sadie and her friend protected from this unknown killer while shielding her from details of his work. Too bad his case is tangled with Delia's ghost. Meet Jack.
Jack's partner in work has no room for new romance - especially when a serial killer is on the loose who is determined to taunt him personally; just as was done to his father before him. Will he finish the hunt his father started? Meet Gabe.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Our story begins with Delia arriving in San Francisco and meeting up with Sadie. Sadie senses that Delia is back home for different reasons than what was previously discussed between them. Delia shares her troubles with Sadie and Sadie declares her support for her friend. This support includes the services of Jack, Gabe, and Isadora (Sadie's friend who is a seer and spirit guide). While it's great that Delia quickly establishes a system of friends, both old and new, who are willing to help even if all is not entirely understood, she faces a new problem; Shadow has become restless. The once patient ghost seems disturbed now that they are back in San Francisco.
As our story unfolds we discover that Shadow was a victim of a serial killer that was on the loose back when Gabe's father was on the force. The killer was never apprehended and is suspected of being one and the same as the serial killer who is currently on the loose. Shadow releases visions of her final living night to Delia and starts to drain her as she becomes desperate to bring her killer to justice. Isadora tries to educate Delia on how to control her spirits as not to lose herself.
During their adventures of spirit decoding and chasing down a killer, Delia and Gabe grow fond of each other. If only they can get past this mystery and survive a spirit's control and a killer's warped mind, maybe they can explore their undeniable attraction towards each other.
Who is Shadow and what is her end game? Is she seeking justice at any cost? Will Gabe and Jack find the serial killer terrorizing their beloved city? Will Gabe and Delia find love in each other?
*** MY OPINION ***
I am going to start by saying that I love a good mystery and I doubly love a good love story. As for this book... I absolutely loved it!! Do you love how many times I used the word love? Okay all joking aside, I really did enjoy this book. Delia's ability to share her gift so freely with her best friend was refreshing. So many times does the main character have trouble opening up to those close to him or her for fear of being thought of as crazy. Delia opened up to Sadie the way I would open up to one of my close friends. To me, that made her more relatable and less frustrating as a character. Another nod to relatability was the support shown to Delia by Sadie, Jack, Gabe, and Isadora. They were open and respectful to the gift she possessed; or rather that possessed her.
My least favorite part was [SPOILER ALERT] when Gabe's father was murdered. Gabe and Delia had just had a nice time with Gabe's parents a little bit before the murder. I mean it just crushed me. It just didn't need to happen. But, it was not a deal breaker - I still loved this book.
Delia sees ghosts. She never knows whether the person she is seeing is alive or a spirit. That can make for a confusing existence, I would think. I mean you're walking down the street and you see someone walking up the street facing you. There are other people around you as walking down a street is common practice. You were not raised to be a barbarian so you greet them, "Good morning." They look at you but do not answer. Then you see another person walk right through them giving you a strange look being that you are talking to and focused on a seemingly empty bit of space. Awkward.
Taking Sadie's perspective, I'm pretty sure I would believe and trust my bestie implicitly if she told me that she could see ghosts. I would probably react the same way Sadie did. I'm also quite certain that she would be just as open to the news if I were the one confiding in her.
Major props to the author for making this book historically accurate - she must have been up to her neck in research! The Pan-Pacific International Expo was a real thing. It took place in 1915 approximately from March to December. It was supposedly held to honor the completion of the Panama Canal though it was also seen as a way to show how San Fransisco bounced back from the earthquake (also mentioned in the book) of 1906. (Wikipedia 2017) This expo was massive! Check out the map I found at The Virtual Museum of the City of San Fransisco below!
I invite you to tell me what your thoughts are about Delia's Shadow. Did you like it? Hate it? Have you never read it but are interested in reading it now? What would you do if you could see ghosts like Delia? What would you do if one of your closest friends came to you and said, "Hey dude. I see ghosts. We cool?" Knowing that there is a killer on the loose, would you still go to the Pan-Pacific International Expo? Are there any points I left out that you would like to discuss? Leave a comment below!
Remember to be respectful.
Next Post: Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty
Just Finished: Endless Knight by Kresley Cole
Currently Reading: The Rejected Writers' Book Club by Suzanne Kelman
Up Next: Tempest in a Teapot by Amanda Cooper
For those of you who are on Goodreads (and maybe some who aren't quite yet), I have started a group for EP Book Nerd. Click here to join the group! Please note that the group is for 18+ considering that some of the books do contain sexual content.
As usual, thank you for stopping by!
Happy Reading!
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
On 3:39 PM by psykoticKitten No comments
DISCLAIMER: My posts are intended to be Opinion/Discussion posts mixed in with a bit of a review about books that I have read. I include a semi-detailed synopsis of the book followed by my own opinions that may include spoilers about the book. Read at your own discretion.
Title: Poison Princess
Author: Kresley Cole
Poison Princess starts with a rather disturbing Prologue. We are in the mind of what seems to be a serial killer - at least that's what I thought - with a very creepy vibe that has you mentally screaming at the poor girl about to enter his lair, "Turn around and run away! Run as far as your feet can take you!" Alas she does not hear your mental screams and she enters anyway. Meet Evangeline.
Evangeline, known as Evie to her friends, is an average 16 year old with an ordinary life. School, cheer leading, boyfriend, friends, and visions of the coming apocalypse. Yup... ordinary. Having to keep those visions a secret from her friends when the new school year starts puts an extreme amount of pressure on her. The increased frequency of said visions doesn't help either.
Jackson Deveaux is a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. He takes what he wants and he doesn't say please. Jack is drawn to Evie; sensing the mystery embodied within her. Will he ever figure her out?
After a birthday party gone wild, Evie discovers that her phone and sketchbook are missing - and she knows exactly who has them. With her bestie, Mel, in tow Evie takes a ride to Jack-ville to get her stuff back. All hell breaks loose on the way back to Evie-town as Evie's visions, once thought to be hallucinations, come to life right in front of her.
The Flash is what the apocalyptic event is called by the survivors. Evie survives The Flash but loses friends and, later, family in the process. The world is now filled with bagmen (zombie-like ceatures) and cannibals (I imagine they are just as horrible as they sound). Oh and Evie discovers that she can grow plants with her blood. Remember Jack? He survives too and meets up with Evie at her place. Go team go? They pair up and start on a journey to find Evie's grandmother - who is suspected to know more about what is going on.
Tensions between Jack and Evie rise and fall in a roller coaster of emotions mixed with the need for survival. Jack wants to know more about Evie - wants to know what she is hiding. Evie doesn't give him what he wants and that makes him moody and hostile-like towards her. Along the way they pick up Selena, who also develops a crush on Jack, and Matthew, the one who has been sending Evie all of her visions of The Flash and the Red Witch - a woman creature that Evie is afraid of and has been dreaming about.
Matthew and Evie get captured and caged with another Arcana. His name is Finn and he is the Magician card. He has the ability to hide what is there and show what is not there. Basically, he can confuse and hell out of you. Jack and Selena come to the rescue and, while the group is trying to escape, Evie grows claws and discovers new powers. Finn helps the group get to a safe house where they can rest up for a bit.
The Arcana, which is what our main players are called (except for Jack), all know who each other are and agree to keep their "true" identities or what they are a secret from Jack. Evie has a hard time accepting who or what she is and that lack of information drives her even more to find her Grandmother.
While at their safe house, Jack pours his heart out to Evie but wants her to stop looking for her Grandmother and to go back to Selena's place with him and the rest of the "team" where they can live as happily ever after as they can during an apocalypse. Evie returns Jack's feelings but refuses to go with him but also doesn't tell him why. Jack storms out with Evie following shortly wanting to talk to him. She opens a room door only to find Jack and Selena locking lips. With that, Evie storms out on her own and on a mission to find her Grandmother.
During the unfolding of this story we revisit serial killer guy and Evie as she is telling the story we are reading to him while he is planning her demise.
Will Evie get away from serial killer guy? Will Evie and Jack find each other again?
I have to be completely honest here. Evie got on my nerves big time. Jack kept giving her a hard time about being useless and unable to take care of herself and I agreed with him. Throughout the entire book I was just waiting for her to be kick-ass. Even when she stormed out of Selena's mansion ready to continue her journey on her own, I was rooting for her. I wanted her to prove Jack wrong. I wanted her to find her way. She didn't. Instead she humiliated herself by going around in a circle. Genius. She did, however, find her strength in a beyond kick-ass way at the end of the book. She wasn't a delicate little flower anymore... (more on that later)
Selena's character added a good mix because she was everything Evie wasn't. She was strong and experienced in ways Evie was not. And she wanted Jack all to herself. Good competition for little miss Evie. Don't get me wrong. I was still cheering for Evie to get the guy. I mean they are complete opposites! They belong together... right?
Another annoyance I had to deal with was the fact that Evie wouldn't open up to Jack. I get that she was afraid of what he might think but still. It just irked me for some reason. I can't fully explain my reasoning on this one. I guess I would have been a bit nervous to say, 'Hey. You know all this horrible stuff going on right now? Well I had visions of everything and did nothing to stop it because I was believed to be crazy and was sent away. Oh and my grandmother might be the only one to know what the heck is going on but I haven't seen her in years and I don't really know exactly where she is... oh and I can grow plants with my blood and when I get agitated I grow claws and can't really control that. I'm pretty much a wild card. Still wanna be friends?'
My favorite part of the story is the end fight. It is Evie coming out of her shell and fully realizing what she can do and letting that take over her to not only save her own life but to save the lives of a few other as well. Evie becomes the woman from her nightmares and fights the Alchemist to the death. She earns her badge and, without knowing, starts the game. The first Arcana to defeat another Arcana. Like I said before. She's not a delicate little flower anymore - and Jackson saw it all.
Overall I LOVED this book. I wanted to start the second one right away but didn't because... I don't really remember why.
A question I have is... What happened to Evie's dad? We learn that he went on some trip and never came back (or something like that) but that's about it. I would love for that mystery to be solved! I hope I get the answer in the second book.
Books are great at getting you to think about different scenarios. With Poison Princess, I found myself wondering what life would be like if our world did experience something like a Flash. Would I be able to survive the bagmen, cannibals, and militia? Not to be a Debbie Downer (no offence to anyone who is in fact named Debbie Downer) or anything but I'm not sure I would survive past 6 months. I mean I might... I know mothers have been able to do amazing things for the sake of keeping their little ones safe. So I just might survive longer than six months.
Evie lived in a house that was a good distance away from neighbors. Neighbors who more than likely did not survive The Flash. My neighborhood is nothing like that. There are people in close proximity who would more than likely be searching for the same supplies as we would be searching for. One of two things would happen. We would all band together and pool what we already had and organize gathering parties made of the strongest and most physically fit to find more supplies OR we would steal or hurt our neighbors to get what we need - survival of the fittest.
One thing is for sure... I would need to hide my cat. Nobody will be roasting my little Fancy! Nobody!
Have you read Poison Princess and have a deep love (or hate) for the book? Do you think you would be able to survive The Flash? If you were in Evie's shoes, what would you do differently or the same? Leave a comment in the appropriate section below!
Remember to be respectful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Next Post: Delia's Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer
Just Finished: Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty
Currently Reading: Dead of Winter by Kresley Cole
Up Next: Books Can Be Deceiving by Jenn McKinlay
Happy Reading!
Title: Poison Princess
Author: Kresley Cole
Poison Princess starts with a rather disturbing Prologue. We are in the mind of what seems to be a serial killer - at least that's what I thought - with a very creepy vibe that has you mentally screaming at the poor girl about to enter his lair, "Turn around and run away! Run as far as your feet can take you!" Alas she does not hear your mental screams and she enters anyway. Meet Evangeline.
Evangeline, known as Evie to her friends, is an average 16 year old with an ordinary life. School, cheer leading, boyfriend, friends, and visions of the coming apocalypse. Yup... ordinary. Having to keep those visions a secret from her friends when the new school year starts puts an extreme amount of pressure on her. The increased frequency of said visions doesn't help either.
Jackson Deveaux is a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. He takes what he wants and he doesn't say please. Jack is drawn to Evie; sensing the mystery embodied within her. Will he ever figure her out?
After a birthday party gone wild, Evie discovers that her phone and sketchbook are missing - and she knows exactly who has them. With her bestie, Mel, in tow Evie takes a ride to Jack-ville to get her stuff back. All hell breaks loose on the way back to Evie-town as Evie's visions, once thought to be hallucinations, come to life right in front of her.
The Flash is what the apocalyptic event is called by the survivors. Evie survives The Flash but loses friends and, later, family in the process. The world is now filled with bagmen (zombie-like ceatures) and cannibals (I imagine they are just as horrible as they sound). Oh and Evie discovers that she can grow plants with her blood. Remember Jack? He survives too and meets up with Evie at her place. Go team go? They pair up and start on a journey to find Evie's grandmother - who is suspected to know more about what is going on.
Tensions between Jack and Evie rise and fall in a roller coaster of emotions mixed with the need for survival. Jack wants to know more about Evie - wants to know what she is hiding. Evie doesn't give him what he wants and that makes him moody and hostile-like towards her. Along the way they pick up Selena, who also develops a crush on Jack, and Matthew, the one who has been sending Evie all of her visions of The Flash and the Red Witch - a woman creature that Evie is afraid of and has been dreaming about.
Matthew and Evie get captured and caged with another Arcana. His name is Finn and he is the Magician card. He has the ability to hide what is there and show what is not there. Basically, he can confuse and hell out of you. Jack and Selena come to the rescue and, while the group is trying to escape, Evie grows claws and discovers new powers. Finn helps the group get to a safe house where they can rest up for a bit.
The Arcana, which is what our main players are called (except for Jack), all know who each other are and agree to keep their "true" identities or what they are a secret from Jack. Evie has a hard time accepting who or what she is and that lack of information drives her even more to find her Grandmother.
While at their safe house, Jack pours his heart out to Evie but wants her to stop looking for her Grandmother and to go back to Selena's place with him and the rest of the "team" where they can live as happily ever after as they can during an apocalypse. Evie returns Jack's feelings but refuses to go with him but also doesn't tell him why. Jack storms out with Evie following shortly wanting to talk to him. She opens a room door only to find Jack and Selena locking lips. With that, Evie storms out on her own and on a mission to find her Grandmother.
During the unfolding of this story we revisit serial killer guy and Evie as she is telling the story we are reading to him while he is planning her demise.
Will Evie get away from serial killer guy? Will Evie and Jack find each other again?
I have to be completely honest here. Evie got on my nerves big time. Jack kept giving her a hard time about being useless and unable to take care of herself and I agreed with him. Throughout the entire book I was just waiting for her to be kick-ass. Even when she stormed out of Selena's mansion ready to continue her journey on her own, I was rooting for her. I wanted her to prove Jack wrong. I wanted her to find her way. She didn't. Instead she humiliated herself by going around in a circle. Genius. She did, however, find her strength in a beyond kick-ass way at the end of the book. She wasn't a delicate little flower anymore... (more on that later)
Selena's character added a good mix because she was everything Evie wasn't. She was strong and experienced in ways Evie was not. And she wanted Jack all to herself. Good competition for little miss Evie. Don't get me wrong. I was still cheering for Evie to get the guy. I mean they are complete opposites! They belong together... right?
Another annoyance I had to deal with was the fact that Evie wouldn't open up to Jack. I get that she was afraid of what he might think but still. It just irked me for some reason. I can't fully explain my reasoning on this one. I guess I would have been a bit nervous to say, 'Hey. You know all this horrible stuff going on right now? Well I had visions of everything and did nothing to stop it because I was believed to be crazy and was sent away. Oh and my grandmother might be the only one to know what the heck is going on but I haven't seen her in years and I don't really know exactly where she is... oh and I can grow plants with my blood and when I get agitated I grow claws and can't really control that. I'm pretty much a wild card. Still wanna be friends?'
My favorite part of the story is the end fight. It is Evie coming out of her shell and fully realizing what she can do and letting that take over her to not only save her own life but to save the lives of a few other as well. Evie becomes the woman from her nightmares and fights the Alchemist to the death. She earns her badge and, without knowing, starts the game. The first Arcana to defeat another Arcana. Like I said before. She's not a delicate little flower anymore - and Jackson saw it all.
Overall I LOVED this book. I wanted to start the second one right away but didn't because... I don't really remember why.
A question I have is... What happened to Evie's dad? We learn that he went on some trip and never came back (or something like that) but that's about it. I would love for that mystery to be solved! I hope I get the answer in the second book.
Books are great at getting you to think about different scenarios. With Poison Princess, I found myself wondering what life would be like if our world did experience something like a Flash. Would I be able to survive the bagmen, cannibals, and militia? Not to be a Debbie Downer (no offence to anyone who is in fact named Debbie Downer) or anything but I'm not sure I would survive past 6 months. I mean I might... I know mothers have been able to do amazing things for the sake of keeping their little ones safe. So I just might survive longer than six months.
Evie lived in a house that was a good distance away from neighbors. Neighbors who more than likely did not survive The Flash. My neighborhood is nothing like that. There are people in close proximity who would more than likely be searching for the same supplies as we would be searching for. One of two things would happen. We would all band together and pool what we already had and organize gathering parties made of the strongest and most physically fit to find more supplies OR we would steal or hurt our neighbors to get what we need - survival of the fittest.
One thing is for sure... I would need to hide my cat. Nobody will be roasting my little Fancy! Nobody!
In the context of Poison Princess the word Arcana is defined as either of the two groups of cards in a tarot pack. However, Arcana can also mean secrets or mysteries. (Google)
I like to listen to music while I read and one day I was in the mood to the sounds of Evanescence. Not wanting to search through my CD collection, I decided to search for an Evanescence playlist on YouTube. I was excited when I found one that contained the songs of one of their earliest works - Origin - and immediately put it on. I used to have the Origin CD but lost it a long time ago [insert sad face]. Anyway, as I was listening and reading the song "Lies" came on and I was instantly hit with a moment of 'this song is perfect for this book' excitement. And... so that you don't have to go to YouTube and search for the song, I have embedded it below. You're welcome.
If for some reason you want to pay $50 for the Origins CD, I found it for sale on Amazon from a third party seller. Here is a link to results of a search I did for Evanescence. Enjoy.
If for some reason you want to pay $50 for the Origins CD, I found it for sale on Amazon from a third party seller. Here is a link to results of a search I did for Evanescence. Enjoy.
Have you read Poison Princess and have a deep love (or hate) for the book? Do you think you would be able to survive The Flash? If you were in Evie's shoes, what would you do differently or the same? Leave a comment in the appropriate section below!
Remember to be respectful.
Next Post: Delia's Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer
Just Finished: Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty
Currently Reading: Dead of Winter by Kresley Cole
Up Next: Books Can Be Deceiving by Jenn McKinlay
Happy Reading!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
On 4:33 PM by psykoticKitten No comments
Imagine being
abducted by the love of your life - only you don't know they're the love of
your life - and taken to a land with creatures you have only read about in
fairy tales.
That is exactly what
happened to Cassie - the strong-willed independent protagonist in "Taken by the
Huntsman." Cassie, a lost soul who loves
to help others but is having trouble finding her niche in the world, is not too
happy to find out she has been abducted.
And to make matters worse, she is stolen from her abductor by a Sidhe
who means to use her as a bargaining chip in his brother's case (his brother
killed a fae child - big no no). Too bad
for the Sidhe that he attempts to show his power over her by raping her. She is rescued by a Goblin King named
Toiseach. Toiseach recognizes the mark
of the Erlking (Cassie's abductor) and makes plans to return her to him ASAP.
When Cassie finally
comes face to face with her captor (about seven days later) she is taken aback
at how good looking he is. She sweeps
that aside, however, and waits for an explanation of her uprooting. The Erlking, also known as Cadeyrn, explains
that she is his Anamchara - his soulmate - and that he took her to protect her
from dangers she doesn't even know exists.
Cassie has a hard time swallowing any of this (as anyone in her
situation would) and takes time to process it.
She feels caged and robbed of her freedom. She can't see that Cadeyrn just wants to
protect his love - her.
As this story
progresses we learn that Cassie has issues with letting people in enough to
truly love them. This is an ongoing
problem being that Cadeyrn wants nothing but to get closer to her. There were times when I felt Cassie was being
completely unreasonable. She would push
him away and then get upset and start doubting whether he was into her because…
he was staying away (giving her the space she demanded).
While Cassie and Cadeyrn are dealing with their relationship issues, a plot against Cassie is being planned by the king of the Summer Court - an arrogant chauvinistic a-hole who believes women should have no say in anything and that he should be able to take and do whatever he wants.
True to my style, I will not expose what the outcome is because... what fun would that be?
I had many mixed emotions with this one.
On one hand I totally understood Cassie's thoughts and reservations about Cadeyrn. I mean she was abducted. You just don't do that to a person then say, "Oh hey you're my soulmate. We're gonna live a happy life and I will brand you and you will be safe. Oh and one more thing. I have to give you my seed in order to fully protect you with my mark." I give her props for making the decision to "have fun" while she was being held against her will. He has needs... she has needs... why not?
On the other hand, however, I really got annoyed with Cassie. She was like a Pushmi-Pullyu (Doctor Dolittle circa 1967). She wanted Cadeyrn to be doting but also give her some space. Cassie also wanted to go home so bad that she made a careless decision that could have cost her her life. I mean for someone who isn't very trusting she sure did trust a stranger easily if it meant she had a chance to go home. She also had commitment issues that stemmed from her past - never allowing herself to make meaningful connections - which made it even harder for Cadeyrn to get close to her. Cassie was stubborn as a mule (just an expression - I personally don't know any mules).
The "love" scenes in "Taken by the Huntsman" were a first for me where dominant/submissive acts were concerned. I am actually one of the few that did not read "Fifty Shades of Grey." I found it ironic but believable that Cassie despised being controlled in everyday life but it turned her on like a souped up Chevy when it came to sexy time. To each their own.
The cat. I loved that the cat's thoughts were played out in the book. Animals are so often ignored. We never consider that they may have thoughts about what we do or what we say. I loved that Mistral Dawn involved Cassie's cat in the story. He didn't play a huge role but it was a nice touch.
The effort that Cadeyrn put in to wooing Cassie was sweet. He watched human romance movies to learn how to court a woman. He was mindful of what he said and how he treated Cassie. He knew when something he was going to say was going to upset her. That shows that he paid attention to her enough to know what would upset her. I found that to be very endearing.
All in all I really enjoyed this book. Cassie was a pain in the butt but was likable, Cadeyrn was a romantic who's heart and intentions were good but executed in a hasty manner - understandably, and there was a happy ending. I love happy endings!
I share a main character's name. Yes. My name is Cadeyrn. I'm just kidding. I share Cassie's name - I thought that was cool enough to mention...
Have you read Taken by the Huntsman? What did you think about Cassie? What did you think about Cadeyrn? If you could write an additional chapter or a direct sequel to this book, what would it be about? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!
Remember to be respectful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Next Post: Poison Princess by Kresley Cole
Just Finished: Delia's Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer & Endless Knight by Kresley Cole
Currently Reading: Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty
Up Next: Dead of Winter by Kresley Cole
Happy Reading!
All in all I really enjoyed this book. Cassie was a pain in the butt but was likable, Cadeyrn was a romantic who's heart and intentions were good but executed in a hasty manner - understandably, and there was a happy ending. I love happy endings!
I share a main character's name. Yes. My name is Cadeyrn. I'm just kidding. I share Cassie's name - I thought that was cool enough to mention...
Have you read Taken by the Huntsman? What did you think about Cassie? What did you think about Cadeyrn? If you could write an additional chapter or a direct sequel to this book, what would it be about? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!
Remember to be respectful.
Next Post: Poison Princess by Kresley Cole
Just Finished: Delia's Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer & Endless Knight by Kresley Cole
Currently Reading: Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty
Up Next: Dead of Winter by Kresley Cole
Happy Reading!
Friday, June 26, 2015
On 12:26 PM by psykoticKitten No comments
Title: Death of a Mad Hatter
Author: Jenn McKinlay
managing the shop and taking care of business, the two women take on their grandmother’s old friend (Dotty) as a client (who happens to think that Vivian (Viv) is
their grandmother). The job? Create Alice in Wonderland themed hats for a tea party fund-raiser to name a hospital wing after the late Mr. Grisby. The job is easy enough to accomplish. The family, on the other hand, is a different story all together. Geoffrey is a pompous ass, Daphne is a bitter bitch, Lily is an artsy free-spirit, and Rose is all sorts of timid - hold the back bone. Let's not forget Mrs. Geoffrey Grisby - Tina - who is actually a decent person. We also have the offspring of Daphne - Liam and George.
The day of the fund-raiser goes off without a hitch. Geoffrey is canoodling with his secretary, the late Mr. Grisby's mistress makes a scene and vows to kill Geoffrey, and oh yeah! Geoffrey is found dead by miss Scarlet Parker.
The mystery is afoot.
At first Scarlet thinks the death is caused by a heart attack. Then she finds out that he was poisoned! But who would want to murder a charming likable fellow such as Geoffrey? [I am being sarcastic here - he is not a likable person at all.]
Let's look at the suspects:
Author: Jenn McKinlay
Death of a Mad Hatter we are introduced to Scarlet Parker and her life of
normalcy working in a hat shop she runs with her cousin Vivian. Having just gone through a scandalous and
high profile break-up (her boyfriend was married and Scarlet wasn’t having any
of that nonsense), she has sworn off men for a year to allow herself time to
just be herself – unattached.
is the talent behind Mim’s Whims. She
learned the trade and took over the business from her grandmother. With her cousin and apprentice, Fiona, by her
side, she can accomplish making any hat for any occasion. Even ones that don’t quite turn out as
is a long-time family friend.
He takes care of the business side of Mim's Whims. He also makes things complicated for Scarlet
in the romance department. Will he (and his stolen kiss) be the one to break down Scarlet's wall?
The day of the fund-raiser goes off without a hitch. Geoffrey is canoodling with his secretary, the late Mr. Grisby's mistress makes a scene and vows to kill Geoffrey, and oh yeah! Geoffrey is found dead by miss Scarlet Parker.
The mystery is afoot.
At first Scarlet thinks the death is caused by a heart attack. Then she finds out that he was poisoned! But who would want to murder a charming likable fellow such as Geoffrey? [I am being sarcastic here - he is not a likable person at all.]
Let's look at the suspects:
- The Mistress - Threatened Geoffrey at the even he was murdered at.
- Daphne - Thinks it is unfair that Geoffrey is was the sole inheritor of their father's fortune.
- Liam - Eldest son of Daphne. Could have committed the crime on his mother's behalf.
- George - Youngest son of Daphne. Could have committed the crime on his mother's behalf.
- Tina - Was treated awfully by Geoffrey and could want to inherit his newly inherited fortune.
- Rose - Quiet. Too quiet?
- Lily - Free spirit. Gotta be careful of the ones you least expect right?
So who was the culprit? It wouldn't be much fun if I told you now would it?
My Opinion(s):
Death of a Mad Hatter, to say the least, was a fantastic read! I loved how real the story was. It wasn't too over-the-top but it wasn't boring either. The Jenn McKinlay did an awesome job at world and character building. I felt like Scarlet could step out of the book and be my normal neighbor with a normal life. At least until a mystery comes along that needs meddling of course.
While I was routing for Scarlet to bring down her shield and give Harrison a chance, I also admired her for basically saying, "Hey. I like you and I want to see where this is going but... I made a promise to myself to stay boyfriend free for x amount of years/months. I'm going to see that through first." Doing something like that, especially for someone who is used to being on a guy's arm, is courageous and self respectful. This is a book I would encourage my daughter to read when she's a bit older - to show her that it's not just all about the boys.
Now I'm not and English major or professional writer but I do believe that Death of a Mad Hatter is very well written. The story structure was as solid as a rock and twists were done in a "Oh that makes sense." sort of way. It wasn't too out there but it wasn't too predictable either. It was just right.
To be honest... I don't really have much to say about this book other than I really really enjoyed it - very much. In fact I have a book in another series by Jenn McKinlay on my reading list. I can't wait to read it and I definitely can't wait to share it with you.
Your Turn:
Have you read Death of a Mad Hatter? What are your thoughts on the book? Do you agree with my opinions? If you didn't like the ending, how would you have ended the story?
Remember to be respectful in your comments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just Finished: Taken by the Huntsman by Mistral Dawn & Poison Princess by Kresley Cole
Currently Reading: Delia's Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer
Up Next: Endless Knight by Kresley Cole
Happy Reading!
My Opinion(s):
Death of a Mad Hatter, to say the least, was a fantastic read! I loved how real the story was. It wasn't too over-the-top but it wasn't boring either. The Jenn McKinlay did an awesome job at world and character building. I felt like Scarlet could step out of the book and be my normal neighbor with a normal life. At least until a mystery comes along that needs meddling of course.
While I was routing for Scarlet to bring down her shield and give Harrison a chance, I also admired her for basically saying, "Hey. I like you and I want to see where this is going but... I made a promise to myself to stay boyfriend free for x amount of years/months. I'm going to see that through first." Doing something like that, especially for someone who is used to being on a guy's arm, is courageous and self respectful. This is a book I would encourage my daughter to read when she's a bit older - to show her that it's not just all about the boys.
Now I'm not and English major or professional writer but I do believe that Death of a Mad Hatter is very well written. The story structure was as solid as a rock and twists were done in a "Oh that makes sense." sort of way. It wasn't too out there but it wasn't too predictable either. It was just right.
To be honest... I don't really have much to say about this book other than I really really enjoyed it - very much. In fact I have a book in another series by Jenn McKinlay on my reading list. I can't wait to read it and I definitely can't wait to share it with you.
Your Turn:
Have you read Death of a Mad Hatter? What are your thoughts on the book? Do you agree with my opinions? If you didn't like the ending, how would you have ended the story?
Remember to be respectful in your comments.
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