Ramblings of a bookaholic.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

On 4:33 PM by psykoticKitten   No comments

Imagine being abducted by the love of your life - only you don't know they're the love of your life - and taken to a land with creatures you have only read about in fairy tales.

That is exactly what happened to Cassie - the strong-willed independent protagonist in "Taken by the Huntsman."  Cassie, a lost soul who loves to help others but is having trouble finding her niche in the world, is not too happy to find out she has been abducted.  And to make matters worse, she is stolen from her abductor by a Sidhe who means to use her as a bargaining chip in his brother's case (his brother killed a fae child - big no no).  Too bad for the Sidhe that he attempts to show his power over her by raping her.  She is rescued by a Goblin King named Toiseach.  Toiseach recognizes the mark of the Erlking (Cassie's abductor) and makes plans to return her to him ASAP.

When Cassie finally comes face to face with her captor (about seven days later) she is taken aback at how good looking he is.  She sweeps that aside, however, and waits for an explanation of her uprooting.  The Erlking, also known as Cadeyrn, explains that she is his Anamchara - his soulmate - and that he took her to protect her from dangers she doesn't even know exists.  Cassie has a hard time swallowing any of this (as anyone in her situation would) and takes time to process it.  She feels caged and robbed of her freedom.  She can't see that Cadeyrn just wants to protect his love - her.

As this story progresses we learn that Cassie has issues with letting people in enough to truly love them.  This is an ongoing problem being that Cadeyrn wants nothing but to get closer to her.  There were times when I felt Cassie was being completely unreasonable.  She would push him away and then get upset and start doubting whether he was into her because… he was staying away (giving her the space she demanded).

While Cassie and Cadeyrn are dealing with their relationship issues, a plot against Cassie is being planned by the king of the Summer Court - an arrogant chauvinistic a-hole who believes women should have no say in anything and that he should be able to take and do whatever he wants.  

True to my style, I will not expose what the outcome is because... what fun would that be?


I had many mixed emotions with this one.  

On one hand I totally understood Cassie's thoughts and reservations about Cadeyrn.  I mean she was abducted.  You just don't do that to a person then say, "Oh hey you're my soulmate.  We're gonna live a happy life and I will brand you and you will be safe.  Oh and one more thing.  I have to give you my seed in order to fully protect you with my mark."  I give her props for making the decision to "have fun" while she was being held against her will.  He has needs... she has needs... why not?  

On the other hand, however, I really got annoyed with Cassie.  She was like a Pushmi-Pullyu (Doctor Dolittle circa 1967).  She wanted Cadeyrn to be doting but also give her some space.  Cassie also wanted to go home so bad that she made a careless decision that could have cost her her life.  I mean for someone who isn't very trusting she sure did trust a stranger easily if it meant she had a chance to go home.  She also had commitment issues that stemmed from her past - never allowing herself to make meaningful connections - which made it even harder for Cadeyrn to get close to her.  Cassie was stubborn as a mule (just an expression - I personally don't know any mules).

The "love" scenes in "Taken by the Huntsman" were a first for me where dominant/submissive acts were concerned.  I am actually one of the few that did not read "Fifty Shades of Grey."  I found it ironic but believable that Cassie despised being controlled in everyday life but it turned her on like a souped up Chevy when it came to sexy time.  To each their own.

The cat.  I loved that the cat's thoughts were played out in the book.  Animals are so often ignored.  We never consider that they may have thoughts about what we do or what we say.  I loved that Mistral Dawn involved Cassie's cat in the story.  He didn't play a huge role but it was a nice touch.

The effort that Cadeyrn put in to wooing Cassie was sweet.  He watched human romance movies to learn how to court a woman.  He was mindful of what he said and how he treated Cassie.  He knew when something he was going to say was going to upset her.  That shows that he paid attention to her enough to know what would upset her.  I found that to be very endearing.

All in all I really enjoyed this book.  Cassie was a pain in the butt but was likable, Cadeyrn was a romantic who's heart and intentions were good but executed in a hasty manner - understandably, and there was a happy ending.  I love happy endings!


I share a main character's name.  Yes.  My name is Cadeyrn.  I'm just kidding.  I share Cassie's name - I thought that was cool enough to mention...


Have you read Taken by the Huntsman?  What did you think about Cassie?  What did you think about Cadeyrn?  If you could write an additional chapter or a direct sequel to this book, what would it be about?  Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

Remember to be respectful.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Next Post:  Poison Princess by Kresley Cole
Just Finished:  Delia's Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer & Endless Knight by Kresley Cole
Currently Reading:  Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty
Up Next:  Dead of Winter by Kresley Cole

Happy Reading!