Ramblings of a bookaholic.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

On 6:54 PM by psykoticKitten   No comments
I have mentioned a couple of times that I was accepting submissions for short stories and poetry to post here on EP Book Nerd.  I didn't get any.  But!  I did get inspired to write one of my own while having a conversation with my little girl.  She asked, "I wonder what it's like to be a painting."  So I told her that we should write a poem about it.

This is what we came up with.

To be a painting on a wall,
To be a painting so big so small,
To be a painting with colors so bright,
To be a painting so black and so white,
To be a painting old and new,
To be a painting just like you

Hope you enjoyed our little poem!  Just for funnsies (<--- not an actual word), write a poem of what it would be like to be a painting.  Send your submissions to submit@epbooknerd.com.  My daughter (she's seven by the way) and I will pick our top five faves and I will post them (with full credit to the author) here.  Please make sure to use the subject Poem Submission and include your name, poem, website (if you have one), and your favorite book and author in the body.

Happy Reading!