Ramblings of a bookaholic.

Monday, February 23, 2015

On 9:26 PM by psykoticKitten   No comments
Greetings fellow book nerds!  I have taken a bit of a break from EP Book Nerd.  I got a bit stuck on one of my posts and kind of got a bit discouraged for a while.  But, I have overcome that discouragement and have come back to my beloved blog.

I hope to have my long awaited post published no later than next week.  Hopefully sooner.

Thank you all for being so patient with me!

Also, EP Book Nerd has it's own Twitter account!  Follow us (me, myself, and I) at @epbooknerd.  You are also invited to support EP Book Nerd by visiting our book store powered by Amazon!

If you would like to follow along with EP Book Nerd, here is what I am currently reading followed by the next three books on my list:

Currently reading:  A Spear of Summer Grass by Deanna Raybourn
Next up:  Death of a Mad Hatter by Jenn McKinlay
And after that:  A Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James
Last but not least:  Taken by the Huntsman by Mistral Dawn

As always, I am open to reading suggestions as well as short story submissions.  Suggest a book for me to read in the comments section or by sending me a message.  Submit an original short story by clicking here.

Happy Reading!