Ramblings of a bookaholic.

Friday, April 17, 2020

On 4:39 PM by psykoticKitten   No comments
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I have been thinking about which book I should read next.  A little too long... I have finally decided to go with another Alice Hoffman book that has been sitting on the shelf for an exceptionally long time just waiting for me to pay it some attention.  At 167 pages, the book is The Foretelling.  Since it is a fairly short book, I have decided to also read a non-fiction book to help me in my own personal growth journey.  That book is titled Successful Women Think Differently by Valorie Burton.  Admittedly, I am a serial non-completer when it comes to non-fiction books.  I peruse through non-ficts just enough to get the info I am interested in - but never use them to their fullest potential.  I hope to break that cycle with SWTD.  It too is a somewhat short book with only 199 pages which I'm hoping will help me get through to the end.

Now that I have decided on the books, I only need to decide the order.  Should I read one before the other or read them at the same time?  Either way, I hope to be done with both books by mid-May at which point I will meet you back here to discuss.


Extra Extra!

Have you heard the news?  I have started a new blog!  If you feel adventurous enough, click here to see what it's all about!

Happy Reading!